What is ADHD Coaching?

ADHD coaching is a collaborative partnership between coach and client with the aim of empowering clients to live more satisfying and productive lives.

Certified Professional ADHD coaches have extensive additional education and training in the neurobiology of ADHD. Coaches support clients as they learn more about their own unique brain wiring and deepen their understanding of just how ADHD impacts them. Coaching is a thought-provoking, creative process that allows clients to maximize their potential – both personal and professional.

Through ADHD coaching clients are supported as they grow their self-awareness around the challenges that ADHD presents. Often struggles include:

• Time management issues
• Organizational difficulties
• Planning and setting goals
• Hyperactivity
• Impulsivity
• Difficulty focusing
• Procrastination
• Sleep disturbance
• Employment issues
• Relationship challenges
• Perfectionism
• Poor self-regulation
• Memory issues

ADHD coaches assist clients as they develop, internalize, and integrate new strategies, systems, and skills to more effectively manage their day-to-day lives.

Using a strength-based approach clients learn to break the cycle of negativity, and old beliefs, that may be holding them back. Clients begin to see that their challenges with ADHD do not define who they are. Through the coaching process, clients uncover inner strengths and hidden talents that they may not realize that they already possess. Building upon those coach and client look for other areas of competency and use. Understanding processing modalities and learning preferences can be a gamechanger. When clients come to understand how they can successfully learn, that knowledge can be very empowering. They are able to understand information and situations in a new way.

In the safety of the coaching relationship clients also explore areas of failures and begin to see them as places of future knowledge.

Clients learn to accept limitations and to see new perspectives. Clients learn ways to shift themselves into action so that they can successfully achieve the things that they need to accomplish. ADHD coaching is a unique partnership between client and coach that focuses on the whole person and not just ADHD. Coaches help clients stay focused on their goals, overcome obstacles, and see through the ADHD lens so that they can move forward with greater success and an enhanced quality of life. Through the exploration of values, ambitions, visions, and passions, and looking through the ADHD lens with greater clarity, clients begin to see that all things are possible.